Monday, 13 February 2012

Trip with a purpose- Leah Armstrong

Hello everyone!

I’m Leah Armstrong and I’m a fourth year Honours Bachelor of Business Administrationstudent at Nipissing. Last summer, I was thinking about taking a trip to celebrate graduation. I wanted to go on a trip with a purpose, that was more than just sitting in the sun. What I really wanted was a trip that I could bless other people with my time, love and knowledge. A trip to travel with other students and share an amazing experience before graduating!

When I heard about the  Jamaica iLEAD Expedition, I knew it filled my desire to travel with a purpose. That I would be able to apply the skills and knowledge I’ve gained over the past four years in a practical way,and connect with other students, faculty, and international members of the business community. Through living and learning with the eco-tourist operators for two weeks, I’m hoping to make lasting connections and memories.

I have been extremely blessed and surprised by the generous support we’ve received from the Nipisssing University and North Bay community to take part in this expedition. Through various fundraising efforts,the students of the Jamaica iLEAD Expedition have received sponsorship and funding through: Nipissing University-School of Business and Economics, NipissingUniversity – Office of Student Development, Nipissing University Student Union,Nipissing University Business Community, Ontario Northland and Knox Insurance Brokers Ltd. Thank you so very much for your generous support and interest in ourexpedition! It truly means so much!

I know it will be challenging, tiring, and possibly stressful being in a foreign environment with different norms and values to understand, but I know that the rewards will far outweigh any of the challenges I’ll face. I’m really excited to meet the people who manage these eco-tourist resorts and gain an understanding of how they operate, and how we can help in any way! I’m also excited to work with our team- we have an amazing and unique group of ten students and four faculty! We’ve already had a ton of laughs so far, and I know that this trip will encourage us all to share our time and gifts in collaboration to creatively address and bring solutions to any issues we face.

I better finish packing! We leave Valentine’s Day, 6am, so there’s no time to waste! Hope you enjoy sharing our adventure with us- see you back in the great white North Bay in a few weeks!

Big love,


1 comment:

  1. Excited for you, beautiful friend! :) I hope this is a super rewarding and wonderful learning experience for you!
